Elena's internet is down so her and I are currently at starbucks using their free wifi to update our blogs haha. (check hers out!
veggielocomoco.blogspot.com) On Wednesday we went to Volcanoes National Park. It was super cool!! Unfortunately it was raining so it wasn't as pretty according to Elena, but it was still fun to drive around. We walked through the lava tube made by flowing lava that hardened on the outside while in the middle it was still hot and flowing creating a tunnel. We also saw an active volcano from a distance. It wasn't erupting into the air or anything, but it was smoking!!
Photo Credit for this post: Elena
On Thursday we went to Waipio Valley. I had no idea what I had gotten myself into!! It was very pretty, but man was it a hike! For those of you who know, picture Grandma and Papa Vogler's driveway and multiply it by at least 10 and that's what we hiked down and then up again. It was wicked steep and scary and tiring!! But it was beautiful at the bottom and Elena and I made the best of it by making a "rap video" on the way back up. (I'll see if I can upload that at some point later since it's on my phone)

At the bottom we walked along the beach and we even befriended a dog that was wandering about. He wouldn't leave us alone so we just continued exploring. We also saw some horses just chillin down there. Then these dumb people came and decided they would give the horses some chips so then the horses wouldn't stop following us!!! I kept my distance since I'm not a big fan of them. Then this other car came and the people were looking at the horses. They then decided it'd be fun to feed a horse BEER. That was Elena and my cue to leave haha. So we began our trip back up the never ending hill. We were hoping a car would drive by us and we were walking up we could hitchhike with but no cars came. Oh well, now we can say we walked the whole thing!!!

After making it safely back to our car at the top, eating lunch, and resting our tired legs, we went to downtown Honoka'a. It was super small but a cute little town. We got some delicious fudge from one of the local shops so that was a nice treat for all our hard work. After more resting and eating our fudge we made our way home. This morning we both woke up very sore from yesterday, but it was definitely worth it!
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