Wednesday, May 23, 2012

a day of true adventure

We had quite the day today. Started off by getting locked out of the house after dropping her mom off at work. Elena couldn't find her keys in the morning so she just used her mom's car key, but didn't have house keys. We thought her dad would still be home when we got back but alas, he had left. But not leaving before he locked the house up. Our only way in was for Elena to hardcore par-core the back of the house. Luckily we found a ladder laying on the ground so we were able to lean it against the house and she climbed up and over the banister to open the back door. Of course 5 minutes after we were back in the house her dad came home....and mind you, it was only 7:30 a.m. so we were not completely awake and coherent.

After using our awesome breaking-into-houses skills, we piled into the truck and went for my first pleasure dive now that I'm certified!! We went to Leleiwi and the deepest we went was about 47 feet so that was a little nerve-racking! But it was an awesome dive. We saw a ton more fish, (I saw the smallest Nemo clown fish ever!!!) some gorgeous coral, an octopus (!!!!), and turtles!!! Can't believe I've swam with dolphins and turtles now, I'm so lucky!! We saw 4 or 5 turtles total, and one caught me off guard at first. I was looking at one swimming when Elena's dad caught my attention and was pointing to something to my right. I looked down but all I saw was coral so I was confused when he was laughing. Then Elena grabbed my arm and pointed to the right at the bottom where a pretty big turtle was just chilling on the ground! It was wicked cool. Made me think of finding Nemo with the turtles all swimming around.

After our sweet dive Elena and I stopped at Wal-mart to get some stuff and we saw this wicked sketchy thing going down. The 2 cars parked across from us in the lot had 2 cops there! One was writing a citation while talking to a mom in a car with a little boy in the driving seat (they were parked of course) and then there was another cop checking out the back of a pickup truck full of luggage! It looked like a drug bust or the people were running or something. I really wanted to know what was going on but it was awkward we were just staring so we left haha.

To finish off our day, we finished making our cake balls we started yesterday! I made a mess again naturally. They're super yummy and we even put silver jimmies on some of them. And YES, the bottle said jimmies like back home. Yay New England slang!

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