The car her mom owns is a prius so you don't need a key in the ignition to start it/drive. When Elena and I were dropped off at the library, Elena had the key in her bag and her mom didn't have a key. The car continued driving but once it would be turned off her mom would not be able to turn it back on without the key. SO, the solution was one of Elena's dad's dive students, Jake, drove over to the library, picked Elena and I up, and we set out to try and find her mom. However, her mom only gave us the street name and not an address number, so we had no idea which end of the street the house was one. After first going down the wrong end, I spotted the car parked outside a house. Elena sheepishly went and knocked on the door, but after a minute of no one answering, we deducted that it was the wrong house....awkward. We were just happy no one answered. We then looked across the street and next door to guess which was the right house. Luckily, Elena guessed correctly and we found her mom. After we got the key situation figured out and had the car back for the day we got some food, watched an episode of Monk waiting for the rain to die down a little, and then set out for Akaka Falls, our destination for the day.
We got to the Falls no problem, not too far away. However, to our unfortunate discovery, you had to pay to get in. I had a few single bills with me, but we decided we would skip the walk since it was raining harder when we got there so Elena just took my picture with the picture of the falls and explained how tall it was compared to us. I got a good visual, and we stayed dry.
A crazy unexpected day, but then again, life is more fun when the unexpected happens!